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Welcome to All About Rentals. We would like to thank you for allowing our company to assist you in the rental of your property.  Our aim is to provide you with the most professional landlord referral service available in the industry to date. 

All About Rentals is a
free service to landlords, our clients pay for this service.  We have more than 1500 clients at any given time looking for rental property in your area.  We simply refer them to your property. 

You make the appointment to show them your home.  When they decide they like your home, they will inform us immediately.  We will then provide you with their credit profile and rental application, via fax or e-mail.

We ask that all landlords listing their properties with our service, inform us when they have rented their property, so that we may promptly delete it from our list.  We also ask that you not charge our clients for credit reports, due to the fact that we will be supplying those to you.  You will make your own decisions as to who you rent your property to, and are under no obligation to rent to our clients.

Our credit profile screening includes, Transition, Hawk Alert and Retrace.  The report includes any tax liens, judgements, unlawful detainers, or bankruptcies.

To have your property appear in our database, please complete our property listing form provided to you.  Your property will appear in our listings within the next 24 hours, and will run for a period of two weeks.  If you wish to re-submit your advertisement, contact us and it will run for another two week period, once again,
free of charge.

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Application | List Your Property | Apply To A Property | Areas Covered